Brimar TP 211


Brimar 211 Power Dual Triode

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Brimar Thermionic Products - 211 Power Dual Triode

211 Power Dual Triode

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Brimar thermionic products’ 211 Power Triodes is the latest in our power amplifier line up. It’s so new, we are still preparing all the data sheets and info for it.

Additional information

Quality Assured

Each tube is scrupulously tested and only the best get badged with the Brimar thermionics logo. We hope you enjoy our selected products and with each purchase you will be bringing us closer to British valve manufacturing again.

Matched Pair

These Items are shipped as a Matched Pair which means that they will be tested and verified to have the same gm value. The benefit of matching your amplifier valves is so that they share the work load and therefore work more efficiently and last longer.

Matched Valves

Matched Pair, Singles