Brimar tp News Stories
The team here always try and give you regular updates on what is happening at Brimar. You can catch up with all our bulletins here.
The team here always try and give you regular updates on what is happening at Brimar. You can catch up with all our bulletins here.
The final piece of the restoration plan for our Ediswan RF Induction Heater was completed recently – a new cabinet, graphics and paint job. Originally donated to us some years ago by the British Vintage Wireless and Television Museum, it … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Sorry it’s taken so long to get your favourite valves back in stock. There has been a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure all the valves on our shelves meet your exacting criteria and at a fair price. … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Its been a very strange 18 months but here we are again on the eve of the RetroTech show at the Warwickshire Event Centre with a full product range and news of progress with the valve factory. I know many … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
With the current threat to the health and welfare of the nation, we thought we would let you know what actions are happening here at Brimar. All the restoration and development work by the volunteers at Tungsten Works has now … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
It is with some regret, we have decided to stop selling New ‘Old Stock’ tubes via our webstore. Supply of good tubes is becoming limited and we are now focussing our resources on the Great British Valve Project and our … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
No – it wasn’t a celebratory price reduction but a bug in our e-commerce system which has now been fixed and prices are now being displayed as normal along with the option to view them in Euro as well as … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Seems like a long time ago since the last Valve show in May. Many things have happened and continue to over the summer. The MultiValve valve tester draws near completion with work being done to complete on the final artwork … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
You may have already heard that after many years of research and investigation we have tracked down the original tooling to make almost every valve type that was produced at the Mullard works in Blackburn. These machines are huge – … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
As ever with these things, they inevitable take longer to appear than you want. What with banks losing paperwork and problems with technology (not everything is as dependable as a valve) it has been a trying time. Summer is now … [CLICK TO READ MORE]